Winter Steelhead Special!! 2 for 1 Special from December 15th - March 15th Book 2 people -pay for 1 (single rate applies-trip looking, to be taken during this time frame) For 2007Salmon Season-DSR Daily access passes ($25 per person) included ! |
Paul Metrione w/a 14 lb. Fall Brown Trout!
A 20lb.Spring Steelhead!!!
Dr. Charles Keenen with a 27lb. Fresh King Salmon !! Tom Fischer holding a September Coho!!!
Rocco holding a 19-20lb. Winter Male Steelhead!!
Mike Redlin -an awesome Sept. king
Dr. Paul Gebhard w/ a nice Fall King Salmon
Mike Parker with an AWESOME Spring male Rainbow ! Located in Pulaski, NY. The Salmon River is the premier cold water Trout and Salmon fishery in the Eastern United States Situated on the Eastern shore of Lake Ontario, the Salmon River
Huge Brown Trout and Trophy Steelhead With Chinook salmon up to 35+ lbs and Coho's averaging 12 lbs these trophy fish will provide you with the fight of a lifetime! As the fall migration peaks, click here, Brown Trout and Steelhead work their way up river feeding on the eggs of the spawning Salmon! Imagine a 15lb Steelhead or 10lb Brown Trout crushing your fly Reel screaming, you're on the run - chasing your trophy of a lifetime! Join me aboard my Heated Hyde Drift boat for a fishing experience of a lifetime!
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Revised: 01/26/07